NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. No one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!


    The beginning...

    Unmix Emotions, 4 emotions 4 feelings, strartover.xyz, Possibility Management

    4 Feelings and 4 Emotions

    Mixed Emotions were discovered by Marion Lutz on a Feeling Discovery workshop in Munich in 2007.

    The Mixed Emotions Thoughtmap is based on the 4 Feelings Map from Valerie Lankford.


    Valerie distinguished 4 Feelings: Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy.

    One major leap that helped Possibilitators was to distinguish that Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy can be either experienced as Feelings or Emotions.

    The ripples of the distinction between Feelings and Emotions are still being unfolding today.


    Any 'feelings work' that does not apply the distinction between Feelings and Emotions is bound to enhance and support Survival Strategies, Gremlin feeding and empower Shadow Purposes in their gameworld and for their participants/clients.


    Feelings are information and energy that emerge out of the decontaminated Free and Nature Adult Egostate in the Present to make use of for your Life, in your Relating, and for delivering your Nonmaterial Value.

    Emotions are information and energy that emerge out of your Child, Parent, Gremlin or Demon Egostate for the purpose of creating the illusion of safety by keeping things the same. Emotions are not bad. However, they have a very specific use, which is: they are doorways for Emotional Healing Processes.


    What an incredible discovery!

    You want to discovery what is your next step on your Healing Path, notice your next Emotional Reaction, write it down in the back of your Beep! Book and take it to the next Emotional Healing Process Dojo.

    You can find the EHP Dojo by joining the Possibility Management Healing Village.


    When it comes to Mixed Emotion, the core Emotional Healing Process is to Unmix your Emotions.

    Separating or Unmixing Emotion is not a process you can do in your head.

    You can think about Unmixing your Emotions for as long as you want, but nothing will change.

    Only the Emotional Healing Process of Unmixing Emotions can actually Unmix your Emotions.

    What Are The Mixed Emotions?


    Mixing your Emotions is a survival strategy that you discovered and put in place, probably pretty young, to... well, survive.

    Being born in a Culture where it is not ok to feel, to have big feeling, to scream, to shout, to cry, to shake, to even speak about what your heart longs to share, you had to find a way to block out the huge amount of information and energy that your Emotional Body - your heart - kept pourring out.

    One of a very efficient ways to do that, to block pure Anger, Sadness, Fear or Joy is to mixed them together.


    The results of Mixing Emotions is similar not matter which Emotions or how many Emotions you mixed together: you do not have access to the information and energy of your Pure Feelings to take action (or your pure Emotions - for healing).


    Mixing your Emotions is like mixing North, South, East, and West together in one great melting pot. You have no idea in which direction to go or what action to take. You are without a compass to navigate.

    Is it so unimaginable then that you feel lost? That you do not know what you want? That you are not able to create what you want?

    How could you without a calibrated inner compass?


    With Mixed Emotion as a constant experience, it is a big mess in there. You take a step in one direction, the other mixed emotions pulls you in the opposite direction. For example, if you mix Anger and Sadness together you will have an experience known as Depression. Depression is simply the name that has been given to what it feels like to blend Anger with Aadness. Depression can be described as having one pedal on the accelerator - the feeling of Anger which is the energy of action, movement, creation - and one pedal on the break - the feeling of Sadness which is the energy of slowing down, connecting, being with.

    It is possible to feel Anger and Sadness at the same time, even about the same thing, without mixing them. Unmixed, your Anger gives you information and energy to take action while at the same time, your Sadness keeps you in connection with yourself and others in your action.

    When you are Depressed, there is nothing you can do to make use of all that energy coming through. The energy is stuck inside of you with no way out. You are left in a great emotional mess.


    Mixed Emotions are not good and not bad, you might notice that your Box and Gremlin like feeling different Mixed Emotions. For example, my Box and Gremlin loves dwelling in Nostalgia and Melancholia on a rainy Sunday afternoon by the fire. So what?


    The difference is choice.


    As long as Mixing Emotions is one of your survival strategies, you have no choice about it. At any appropriate trigger, your survival strategy will mix Anger and Sadness to experience Depression, or Fear and Sadness to experience Isolation, or Anger, Fear and Sadness to experience Guilt.

    With choice, any time you want, you can have the experience of Depression simply by mixing Anger and Sadness together. You can also end the experience of Depression any time you want simply by separating the Anger and Sadness from each other and experiencing and expressing each of them in their pure form.


    Before we move on to the process itself of Unmixing Emotion, it is useful to clarify the experiences of Mixed Emotions.


    Unmix Emotions, Map of Mixed Feelings, starter.xyz, Possibility Management


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    Anger + Sadness

    Mixing Anger and Sadness creates:

    • Depression
    • Resignation
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    Anger + Fear

    Mixing Fear and Anger creates:
    • Hysteria
    • Agression
    Here is an 'interesting' anedocte. The surgery for removing a women's womb in English (and in other latin based languages) is called a Hysterectomy. Taking out a woman's womb - a defining part of her womanhood - is to take out the hysteria in her. This is Patriarchal medicine. However, it is not uncommon for uninitiated woman to experience hysteria because, a woman in the Patriarchy is taught to be afraid of her anger. A powerful strategy to do this is to mix Fear and Anger together.
    A man (in the Patriarchy) is taught to be Angry about their Fear. Therefore, the manifestation of Mixed Fear and Anger in man shows up more often as Agression than Hysteria.
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    Fear + Sadness

    Mixing Fear and Sadness creates:

    • Isolation
    • Despair
    • Hopelessness
    • Powerlessness
    • Loneliness
    These are the sensations that most people experience just before they kill themselves. The Emotional Sadness of disconnection combined with the Emotional Fear that it will last forever. It is hopeless, why should I keep going?
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    Fear + Joy

    Mixing Joy and Fear creates:

    • Curiosity
    • Excitement
    • Recklessness
    • Carelessness (taking careless tisk)
    Remember, Mixed Emotions are Emotions. In the case of recklessness or carelessness, the Emotional Joy is that of your Gremlin. Your Gremlin does not have a conscience. Your Gremlin will kill any space of intimacy at any time for no reason other than its own survival.
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    Anger + Joy

    Mixing Anger and Joy creates:

    • Schadenfreude, which is a German word that means 'being glad when someone else feels pain or loses'. This is the sensation that you experience when you see a person fall and you (your Gremlin) laughes, or when you cannot stop watching YouTube videos about people hurting themselves caught on camera
    • Masochism
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    Sadness + Joy

    Mixing Sadness and Joy creates:

    • Nostalgia, which has more Joy than Sadness
    • Sentimentality, which has more Sadness than Joy
    • Melancholy, which also has more Sadness than Joy
    • In Portuguese, they have a word for the exact mixture of 50% Sadness - 50% Joy: 'Saudade' for which there is no translation in English
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    Mix 3: Anger + Sadness + Fear

    Mixing three Emotions together creates sensations that are particularly gripping. Because when three Emotions are involved and the sensations are so strong, it can seem as if the situation is unsolvable. Yet three-Emotion mixes can also be directly unmixed.


    When mixing Anger, Sadness and Fear, you create experiences such as:

    • Jealousy
    • Shame
    • Guilt
    • Resentment
    • Lack of self-esteem
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    Mix 3: Anger + Sadness + Joy

    When mixing Anger, Sadness and Joy, you create experiences such as:

    • Spite
    • Vengeance
    • Revenge
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    Mix 3: Fear + Sadness + Joy

    When mixing Fear, Sadness, and Joy, you create experience such as:

    • Envy
    • Self-pity
    • Complaining
    • 'I am be miserable as payback for your betrayal'
    • Inferiority
    • Manipulation
    The Joy in the mix of Fear, Sadness, and Joy is the Joy is Righteousness. Nobody can prove you wrong about how much of a failure you are. You are right about being wrong. At least you are right about that.
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    Mix 3: Anger + Fear + Joy

    When mixing Anger, Fear and Joy, you create experiences such as:

    • Greed
    • Superiority
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    Mix 4: Anger + Fear + Joy + Sadness

    Mixing four emotions together is what causes:

    • Burnout
    • Emotional paralysis
    • Psychological breakdown

    These are very confusing, disempowering and disturbing experiences.

  • The Process

    The four primary emotions – Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy – are useful for healing only when experienced in their pure form.

    For this example, we will unmix Anger and Sadness, which when mixed cause the sensation of Depression.

    Mixing Anger with Sadness is like mixing cow poop and milk. Cow poop has its uses. Milk has other uses. Mixing the two together produces slime. The same is true of Emotions.

    Even if you feel both Anger and Sadness about the same thing, the two emotions can be experienced and expressed distinctly and clearly, each in its own measure and to its own end.


    To step out of Depression (and other Mixed Emotions),
    follow this procedure:


    The instant you notice sensations of Depression, set aside ten minutes to separate your Emotions. If you cannot go through the Unmixing Emotion right now. Immediately write down 'Depression' in a page at the back of your Beep! Book for you to remember later to ask for a spaceholder for Unmixing your Depression

    It helps a lot to have a Possibility Coach with you. They detect when your Emotions are pure, and complete your incomplete Emotions.


    Center Yourself

    When you have create space and time for yourself to go through Unmixing your Depression, start by taking a deep breath, center yourself, ground yourself, and bubble yoursed.

    Then lower your numbeness bar and naviguate into the very familiar sensation of Depression. You do not have to make or force the Depression, it is already there.

    The way in is to finally let the emotional slime of Depression move to the surface, instead of pressing it down.

    Depression is loud, it might even be physically painful, you have slime, and sobbs, and your hands are in fists, all at the same time.


    Reach In Your Heart

    When you experience about than 50% intense Depression, put your hands back-to-back, your fingers pointing towards your heart (see photo below).
    Press your fingers gently but firmly against your sternum and let your energetic fingers go right through your heart, all the way to your spine.

    As you are reaching deep into your heart with both hands, the pain grows, you feel the full experience of Mixing your Sadness and Anger together.


    Pull Them Apart

    Collect the Anger part of your Depression into your energetic and physical right hand. Collect the Sadness part of your Depression into your energetic and physical left hand. (It is not important which hand collects which Emotion.)

    With the movement of your physical hands, pull the Anger and the Sadness apart slowly and with the Clarity of your Feeling of Anger. It will require as much force and Clarity as separating branches from strong bushes so you could walk across them.

    Make sure that you do not stop half-way until your hands are stretched on either side of your body.


    Put Them Aside

    Let the Anger is your right drop into an energetic pile on your right side. Do the same with the Sadness on your left.



    Your Depression has layers.

    Repeat the steps 3, 4 and 5 up to five, six, maybe seven times for the Depression to be fully unmixed.

    With each layer, you will experience that you can feel Anger more purely and Sadness more purely.

    Warning! Unmixing Emotion is not about perfection. Any process can never be perfectly complete. You go as far as you can go that day.



    After working through a certain number of layers, keep your eyes closed and let your nervous system integrate for about a minute. Keep breathing and do not go into your head.


    Now, you have a pile of pure Anger on your right, and a pile of pure Sadness on your left. It is possible that some lower intensity of Fear and Joy was also mixed in. Pull them out too, and place them is separate piles.


    Experience Pure Anger

    Each Pure Feeling and Pure Emotion belongs in a specific resonant tissue in your physical body (read more about this below). Your Anger belongs in your bones.


    With your physical and energetic hands, pick up the pile of Unmixed Anger, and slowly put it into your heart. Immediately, you will feel Angry. Responsibly experience and express pure anger. Let the Anger come from your bones and not your muscles. Relax your muscles.

    Let the Anger speak through sounds, and words. What have you not said?

    Ask your Possibility Coach to complete your incomplete communications.


    Experience Pure Sadness

    Do the same with your Pure Sadness. Pick up your Pure Sadness, and direct it into your heart. Your Sadness belongs in all the liquid parts of your body (water, blood, lympth,...). Let the Sadness flow into the liquid parts of your body.

    Responsibly experience and express your Pure Sadness. Share your pain, grieve changes, let go of expectations, connect heart to heart. You may feel Sad about the same things you were Angry about, or Sad about other things. But now the Emotions are Pure, no longer Mixed.

    It could well be that your Anger or your Sadness are doorways for other Emotional Healing Processes. If it the case, ask your Possibility Coach to write down for you at the back of your Beep! Book.


    Stay On Guard

    You have habitually Mixed your Emotions for years, and you are just starting to insist on Pure Emotions. You have grooves in your 5-body that are familiar with the experience of Depression and new to the experience of Pure Anger and Pure Sadness.

    The instant you notice emotions creeping back together, notice which feeling is bigger: Sadness or Anger.

    Experience, express, and make use (if it a feeling, take action; if it is an Emotion, it is a doorway for an EHP). Then move on to the other Pure Feeling or Emotion.

    There might be other layers in the way of a change of behaviours. Please read the 'Other Processes' section in that regard.

    And, get used to the new Possibilities.



    When you thoroughly Unmix your Emotions, you may feel Angry in one moment and Sad in the next, or even at the same time, but there is no more Depression. You never need to Mix your Emotions again. By keeping your emotions separated, the symptoms and results of mixed Emotion vanish.

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    Step 3

  • Demonstration & Distinction Unmixing Emotions

    Anne-Chloé Destremau while holding space for a client to Unmix her Emotions delivers a number of powerful distinctions about how to truly Unmix your Emotions in your heart and not in your head.







  • Other Processes

    & Dimensions of Unmixing Emotions

    Mixed Emotions & Brain Drugs

    Modern Culture does not want its citizens empowered to think and feel independently or it would provide an entirely different educational system, and an entirely different health system. Modern Culture doctors have been trained to handle Feeling and Emotions, Pure or Mixed, as Problems to get rid of, not as powerful and limitless inner resources. The solution to the Problem is (too) often brain drugs. Even psychologists and psychiatrists are terrified of their own Feelings and Emotions, and have no skills to navigate their hearts and even less provide a safe space to navigate yours.


    The sensation of alienation that comes from being born and raised in a culture without Adults, without Adulthood and Archetypal Initiatory Processes, without Community and for which the only purpose is for you to 'make more money' for Psychopaths that head corporations and institutions is, by all account, appropriate. This is another topic, however, we take the time to mention here.


    Feeling Angry, Sad, Scared about your environment, your relationships, the Possibility offered to you by Modern Culture means that you are still human, and that, you know that something completely different from this is possible right now. Modern Culture does not want you to know that at the risk of its own survival.


    Brain drugs create a state on constant Numbness, and cristallize your Box survival patterns. Brain drugs support Modern Culture to make into another slave-zombie to the capitalist economic machine. If you are on brain drugs, Emotional Healing Processes might not have the same profoundly transformational effect on your 5-body.


    A group of Possibilitators have been researching the Path to Getting Off Brain Drugs (even for people who have been on brain drugs for decades) in combination with reclaiming your Heart, your ability to feel, and going through 5-body transformational Liquid State.

    Mixed Emotions & 3 Phase Healing

    Archiarchy requires clear Emotions from you.


    Unmixing your Emotions is part of a 3 Phase Healing Process. Unmixing your Emotions will not make you better adjusted to your life in Modern Culture. It will not help you to get a better corporate job, or to fulfill a fantasy-world based relationship, to to help you to fit in with your family or friends. The 3 Phase Healing process is, not trying to take the 'dis-ease' out of you, but taking yourself out of the 'dis-ease' state.


    Unmixing your Emotions liberate your Heart from its previous constrictions. Your Being gets a chance to starts on its Quest. Unmixing your Emotions may well be your first steps on your path of Adulthood and into Archiarchy, at the edge of the child-responsibility centered Modern Culture.


    Unmixing your Emotions is a Shift of Identity.

    Mixed Emotions & Old Decisions

    Mixed Emotions can be the emotional component of an Old Decision. A long time ago, most likely when you were very young, you made decisions in a life or death survival situation, from which you survive and then completely forgot that you made such decisions. When you forget your decision, it does not go away. It is still shaping your Being and your life.


    For example, you might have been left as a baby crying in the crib until you fell asleep. In that moment of terror and disconnection, you could have made old decisions such as 'I am alone, nobody cares about me', 'I cannot trust anybody', 'I will do it all by myself', 'I do not need anybody', etc... For such a decision "to stick", you would have at the same time, decided to Mixed your Sadness and Fear together to keep feeling this deep Aloneness that you were feeling back then as a baby. You have learned how to go about your Life by being a lone-wolf, never truly relying on other, or being on a Team. When you are alone, you are in familiar territory, you know how to survive, you have done it all your life.


    Your Box can survive when you are alone. Your Box does not know if it can survive when you are connected. Therefore, your Box will keep mixing Fear and Sadness to make sure that you survive. And you are lacking the information and energy of your Pure Unmixed Feelings to discover what else is Possible.


    To gain access to your inner and outer resources by keep your Emotions Unmix, a Shift of Identity is necessary in addition to separating your Fear and Sadness. Here are a few new identities to try on: 'I am a broadbandwith connector', 'I am a Team Builder', 'I trust myself to take care of myself around anybody', 'I am connected to Gaia', 'I am a Village Weaver'.

    Mixed Emotions & Concepts

    Some Mixed Emotions are triggered by a Concept. A concept is a set of ideas that seems to hang enough together that you can imagine it is real.


    For example, the Mixed Emotion of Guilt is triggered by the concept of Right and Wrong. The concept serves dogmatic religions in which someone ('The Priest') has the authority to proclam a jugdment on your state of Being. Guilt has been infamously used by certain religious organizations to make their subjects so frightened they would give their spiritual Authority away and pay taxes.


    As with any concept, Guilt is used to trigger specific Mixed Emotions which are then used to justify the validity of the concept. It’s a vicious circle. In the case of Guilt, the Mixed Emotions are Anger, Sadness and Fear.


    Another example is the concept that there is such a thing as A Rule. If you think 'There is a rule, and I have to obey it', then this could easily trigger Mixed Emotions such as Powerlessness (Fear + Sadness) or Depression (Anger + Sadness). The Mixed Emotions leaves you without your emotional resources to Ask Questions, Negotiate Intimacy, take someone through Vacuum Rapid Learning. Almost as if you are believing in the concept of A Rule so that you have a really good excuse to not do anything about it...


    Another concept that powerfully creates Mixed Emotions is the construct of Family. It can trigger a myriad of Mixed Emotions such as: duty, a sense of belonging, loyalty, or betrayal, powerlessness to be accepted, or superiority as the favorite child, jealousy between syblings, depression because 'I have to follow the rules', resentment for not having had the perfect childhood, taking revenge on your parents so you can prove to the world how bad they were, etc...


    Each culture, and ultimately each person has a different concept of Family that could trigger various Mixed Emotion. Believing in your concept of Family is keeping you in one of the 8 prisons to exit to become Adult.


    A last example, but not the least of them, is the concept of Relationship. Over the years (I would even say, over your many life times), you have built in yourself a concept about what a Relationship is or is not. This defines how you should behave, how your partner should behave, how do you know your Relationship is working or not working, when the Relationship should end, when it is time to start another Relationship, etc... Your concept of Relationship is a Fantasy World and it mined and kept together by Mixed Emotions. As mentioned above, if you feel it then it must be real - or does it?


    A Relationship Construct could trigger Mixed Emotions of guilt (you did not do it good enough), shame (for example, when talking or negotiating sexual intimacy), betrayal (if you partner forgets your birthday or creates intimacy with someone else), resentment (when you partner does not fulfill your self-made Expectations and Assumptions), belonging, superiority (you are married and your sister is not), unworthiness (if you cannot make your partner happy), etc...


    Ask for an Emotional Healing Process(es) to clarify and deconstruct your concept: where did you get the concept from? who else carried or still carries the same concept as you? why is it important for you to keep that concept taking you away from Presence? what skill would be involved for you to exit the concept and enter a constructless Life?


    If you successfully exit the concept, you have no reason to keep Mixing your Emotions.

    Mixed Emotions & Egostate Contamination

    As an additional survival strategy, you might have contaminated your Adult Egostate with your Child, Parent, or Gremlin Egostate. The contamination is an effective and immediate protection against your Being being vulnerable and seen. It also leaves you unable to Radically Relate from your Being to someone else's Being.


    One of the behaviours of your contamination could be Mixing your Emotions. If your Adult Egostate is contaminated with survival patterns of being powerless, hopeless, resentful, seeking revenge, cynism, manipulation, agression or heightened and therefore inauthentic curiosity or excitement, then you do not get to be yourself.


    Any time you try to communicate an authentic need or impulse, your Child, Gremlin or Parent Egostate twists your communication for their own survival purposes. Nothing changes, and you remains with the sensation that you are never truly heard or seen.

    • The Child Egostate contamination thrives on being powerless (Fear + Sadness), overwhelmed (Anger + Fear + Sadness + Joy), needy (Fear + Sadness), agressive (Anger + Joy), or inferior (Fear + Sadness + Joy).
    • The Gremlin Egostate contamination thrives on being betrayed (Anger + Fear + Sadness), on taking Revenge (Anger + Fear + Joy), holding on to Resentment (Anger + Fear + Sadness), on Schadenfreude (Anger + Joy), or being Depressed (Anger + Sadness).
    • The Parent Egostate contamination thrives on being superior (Anger + Fear + Joy), on being rightheous (Anger + Fear + Joy), on manipulating oneself or others (Sadness + Fear + Joy), or on terrorising (Anger + Fear) other through threats and sneaky remarks.
    Seperating your Emotions is part of the process of Decontaminating your Adult Egostate. However, the decontamination itself is a 1-to-2 year long process that is to be done in company of a Decontamination Coach and a Team. The Decontamination Process cannot happen alone.
    If you notice that no matter how many time you Unmix Your Emotions, they keep coming back, it is a strong sign that your Adult Egostate is contaminated by one or more of your other Egostates.


    You might be addicted to Low Drama. Meaning, your Gremlin might be addicted to Low Drama. The symptoms that would reveal Dramaholism are that, after participating in an Expand The Box Training and 2 or 3 Possibility Labs, Low Drama is still occuring in your Life: with your partner, within your Team, at work, with your Family.


    Mixed Emotions is fuel for Low Drama. Gremlin thrives on Mixed Emotions, and feeds on Low Drama.


    There are a number of symptoms for Dramaholism, which you can read on the Dramaholic website. One symptom of Dramaholism related to Mixed Emotions is an attraction to high and regular emotional intensity such as feeling the 'big' Mixed Emotions such as Jealousy, Despair, Guilt, Overwhelm, Shame, Depression.


    Dramaholism is an addiction. You never heal completely from Dramaholism, but you can recover. Please refer to the Dramaholic website for more information.

    Phase 1 to Phase 2 of Feelings Work

    Feelings works has a Phase 1 and a Phase 2 (it might even a Phase 3, we just have not discovered it yet...). Phase 1 of Feelings work is learning how to feel. This includes mainly learning to distinguish between Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy and at which percentage intense you are experiencing these Feelings; the distinction between Feelings and Emotions, and Mixed Emotions; and Unmixing Emotions.


    Phase 2 of Feelings work is using your Feelings for handling things and Emotion for healing things. Using your Feelings for your Life becomes so ecstatic and rewarding that Emotions become only temporary obstables to your Adult and Archetypal Life used as your next step in Evolution.


    You cannot go to Phase 2 until you have thoroughly been through Phase 1. However, your Gremlin might stop you from moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2. You are stuck in an never-ending loop of Emotional Reaction and Emotional Healing Processes, each and everyone of them more intense than the next.


    Your Gremlin uses Mixed Emotions, such as Despair or Overwhelm to avoid true change or action on your part to create something different, to ask for what you want, to go nonlinear, to keep integrity with your context, to move sideways into new spaces and bring other people with you; in a summary to become a Person of Agency.


    You use Mixed Emotions as an Emotional Escape Valve. The newly available energy that you have access to from liberated inner and outer resources are 'used up' in the familiar energy of Mixed Emotions.


    This could be indication of Adult Egostate contamination, or Dramaholism or simply a lack of awareness you are ready to move on to Phase 2 of Feelings work.

    Emotional Cycle (& Feeling Cycle)

    The Feelings Cycle and the Emotional Cycle are discoveries made by the Feelings Practitioner specialty of the Possibilitator Training.


    We have discovered that you - as each person - have developed an Emotional Cycle - also called a Shadow Cycle - to serve survival shadow purposes. You are used to feeling one emotion after the next, often skipping over one or two Emotions that are unfamiliar for your Box and Gremlin. More often than not, in your Emotional Cycle, you Mix one, two, three or four Emotions. That way you are stuck in the never ending loop of Emotions.

    For example, your Emotional Cycle could go like this: you feel emotional Sad, then quickly you mix emotional Fear with your Sadness, experiencing powerlessness, loneliness or despair, after a while you might feel emotionally angry at yourself for feeling small, but it does not last, you quickly go back to feeling Sad about your situation, and then the emotional Fear comes back again. You go around and around in the same pattern - and nothing changes.


    The Feeling Cycle is the practice of having a complete Adult experience of What Is. A complete adult communication has two components: the information and all 4 feelings.

    Feelings & Resonant Tissues

    This is also a discovery from the Feelings Practitioner specialty.


    In Possibility Management, we distinguish 5 bodies - the physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic and Archetypal body - however, that is far from saying that they are disconnected. Our 5 bodies are completely connected and interact with each other.


    The Feelings Practitioners discovered that each Feelings belongs to a healthy resonant tissue in our physical body. Anger belongs in our bones. Fear belongs in our nervous system. Sadness belongs in the liquids (water, blood, lymph). Joy belongs in our cell walls.


    They have also discovered that as a survival strategy, you might have Mixed your Emotions and place them in a di-resonant tissue in your Physical Body. For example, many woman store depression or despair in their womb area.

    Possibility Coach Needed

    These states can be easily and suddenly transformed when the emotions are separated and experienced in their pure form.


    I have seen this demonstrated in remarkable fashion innumerable times when persons suffering from near catatonia by mixing together three or four emotions went through the short guided process of respectfully separating their emotions one from the other. These people suddenly regained levels of functionality and relationship they had not experienced in years, if ever.


    This is a revolutionary discovery, as yet unknown in modern society. Even healing practitioners, for the most part, do not yet teach the simple inner navigation skills of separating Emotions. And they could. This website is the map(s).


    Although largely unknown in mainstream culture, having clarity about Mixed Emotions is a cornerstone of Archiarchy. If you are a psychotherapist, mediator, trainer, consultant, healer or nurse and you demand that your clients separate their Emotions while they communicate, you may be shocked by how effectively this procedure brings a person back into their own natural health and sanity.


    Here is a scary question: how many people take brain drugs or are locked away in institutions simply because they submit themselves to the belief system of a society that does not yet have clarity about Mixed Emotions?


    Bringing clarity about emotions into mainstream society starts with teaching teachers. If you care about children then you have a job on your bench: find ways to require teachers in modern-society schools to gain adult level feeling skills and communications training as elements of their qualification before being certified to work as a teacher.


    Will you do it?


    Mixed Emotions & Physical Body Hurt


    Susanne Hutzler, Feelings Practitioner

    Mixed Emotions & Parent Driver (Egostate Contamination)

    Susanne Hutzler, Feelings Practitioner


    Mixed Emotions & Feeling Cycle


    Susanne Hutzler, Feelings Practitioner

    Mixed Emotions & The Wall

    Susanne Hutzler, Feelings Practitioner

  • Resources

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  • Guilt & Shame

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    Guilt Is a Concept


    If you feel guilty, what that means is that you are going to do it again.” - Ron Smothermon | Winning Through Enlightenment

  • Experiments In Unmixing Emotions

    Build Matrix in your 5-body to Unmix Emotions and navigate your Pure Feelings and Pure Emotions.

    Trigger Hunter, Possibility Management, StartOver.xyz


    Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.01

      This experiment is ideal for a Possibility Team or a 3Cell. You need an undisturbed space.

      If you are in a Possibility Team, divide the Team in groups of 3, in which 2 people hold space for 1 person to do the experiments. Each person in the triyad gets to do the experiment. Each person has 15-20 minutes for the experiment on mixing their Emotions on purpose.


      Pick two Emotions, such as Anger and Fear, or Fear and Sadness, or Anger and Joy; and consciously Mixed those two Emotions together to experience the Mix. For example, if you chose to mix Anger and Fear, sometimes add more Anger, sometimes add more Fear. The sensation of mixed Anger and Fear is loud, your body moves, you might even say words. Do not hold back.


      When in the experience of Mixed Anger and Fear, notice: what are the stories that come up? what voices do you hear? what Trigger Sentence appear? what memories come back?


      You might have noticed that Emotions, and Mixed Emotions are bounded with Stories. In contrast, Feelings are not attached to Stories. Feelings emerge out of the Present, the Present is too small for Stories. Notice for each Mixed Emotions which comes first- the story or the Mixed Emotions?


      If you have time, try to Mix different combinations of Emotions. Try the Mixed Emotions that you are familiar with, but also Mix Emotion that are totally unknown to you.


      If you discover new sensation of Mixed Emotions, please send them to the Possibility Management Team, we make use of those discoveries and share them with the wider gameworld.


      After completing your Possibility Team or 3Cell meeting, and taking notes of the stories, voices and triggers woven into your habitual Mixed Emotions, please enter the Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

      Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


      Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.02

      You can do this experiment alone, however, the invitation is to find a Team to have High Level Fun in discovering new uncharted territory. So why not find a Team to do these experiments with?

      If when you read this, all sorts of reasons for why you cannot or do not have a Team, I encourage you to bring them to the Emotional Collaboration Group, and ask for Emotional Healing Processes until you have a Team.


      For this experiment, download Brené Brown's List of 87 Emotions (you can download the PDF is here, and this does not work, you can find download the PDF directly on Brené Brown's website here).


      Read through her list of human emotions. For each Emotion, copy it in your Beep! Book, and figure out which Mix of Pure Emotion makes that sensation. Write down each Emotion with its percentages so that they add up to a 100%. If you are doing this experiment in a Possibility Team, go into the Emotional experience and then Unmix it.


      Hint: Some Emotion also include an element of anothe of the 3 bodies (intellectual, physical or energetic). For example, Disgust is physical body nausea + Anger + Fear.


      Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

        Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


        Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.03

        This is also a experiment to do in a Possibility Team, or in a Worktalk or Workshop (such as an Unmix Emotion Series, or a Possibility Improv workshop). It is an excellent experiment to do on stage.


        Stories are powerful. Stories can make you experience Emotions and Mixed Emotions. One possible outcome of this experiemnt is for you to start building a Gap between your storymaking machine and your Gremlin's love for experiencing Mixed Emotions.


        Start by centering, grounding and bubbling yourself and offer for your Team do to the same. Then, lower your Numbness Bar to enter Presence.

        Go on stage (which can simply be all chairs facing in one direction, the direction of the stage) and start telling a story, make sure that after 2-3-4 sentences, the story becomes emotional. Each time one person in your Team starts feeling Mixed Emotions, they join you on stage, experience the Mixed Emotions and let it speak, in a way that the story keep unfolding. People keep joining the stage as they are feeling Mixed Emotions.


        The same exact story creates different Mixed Emotions in people. Once everyone is on stage and has experience at least one Mixed Emotion, stop the story, have everyone go back to their seat. The last person to go on stage in the previous story, goes on stage and starts the next story.


        'The Aliens have attacked and are eating all corporate managers!'
        'The Rule is there, there is nothing you can do to escape so surrender to it, and you will come home.'

        'Grandma was a gangster, you just inherited her role as The Godmother. Good luck!'


        As the stories unfold, keep a part of your attention observing yourself: who are you persecuting? who are you running from? who are you rescuing? who are you trying to obey? who are you trying to please? who do you hate? who do you love?

        This experiment reveals your inner reaction patterns to Mixed Emotions. And it can also be very funny!


        After participating in the evening of 'Story and Mixed Emotions', please enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

          Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


          Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.04

          The set up for this experiment is similar to the previous one (Experiment #3: MAKE STORIES THAT TRIGGER MIXED EMOTIONS).


          The difference is this: one person starts the story, and them or someone from the audience, who is feeling Mixed Emotion come up on stage and feel the Mixed Emotions, and express them "I feel despair about ... because..."; at the exact same time, someone else from the audience, jumps from their chair, joins the group on stage and Unmix the despair, and instead feel the Pure Emotions or Pure Feelings: 'I feel sad because... and I feel afraid because...'. This is a fabulous Inner Navigating practice.


          From there, two stories unfolds, one with characters who only have Mixed Emotions (the 'Mixed Emotions' story) and one which characters who Unmix the Emotions presented by the Mixed Emotions characters (the 'Unmixed Emotions' story). The stories might diverge vastly in their development and ending. Let it be so.

          Let the stories unfold until everyone is on stage, and even then, keep the two stories going in parallel for 5 to 10 minutes. At some point, as a spaceholder, invite the Unmix Emotion character to no longer only Unmix the Mixed Emotions from the other stories, but simply let their Pure Feelings unfold the story.

          There is so many possibilities about letting the stories unfold. For example, you can add the rule of engagement that if any character from the Unmix Emotions story starts feeling Mixed Emotions, they join the other story, and vice versa. Let your imagination come up with other Possibilities to let the stories unfold.


          Make sure to keep 20 minutes before the end of the Possibility Team for sharing: what did you and they notice? how do they see these stories unfolding in their lives? what else is Possible?


          After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

          Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


          Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.05

          Unmixing Emotions is a practice that does not belong to Modern Culture. When you are Unmixing your Emotions, you are practicing, which means that when everyone is going about their Linear Life Plan, you are going orthogonal to the space. You are doing something that does not belong in a dead zombie robotic space. You are an experimenter.


          And you can even do this when you go shopping for groceries!

          Stand in the fruit and vegetable section, in front of the bananas (or any other available fruit or vegetable). First, notice the voices, opinions, jugdments, prejudices, stories and conclusions that you make up when you are about to select bananas. And also notice the Mixed Emotions that are attached to the jugding mechanism of your Box.


          For example: you might be thinking 'They are too big, and this is too many bananas, but I want bananas, I can't decide.' while Mixing the Emotions of Anger and Sadness and experience Depression. It continues 'I might not eat them all and they will go bad. I waste them.' Then you start Mixing Anger, Sadness and Fear as you are feeling Shame for wasting bananas. 'I might have to make banana bread again but I have nobody to eat it with.' you are Mixing Fear and Sadness and feel alone and hopeless. You think: 'I could break the bunch in half', you Mix Anger, Sadness and Fear and experience Guilt that someone might be watching and you would be breaking a rule. OR

          'The bananas are not ripe enough' you think while you Mix Sadness and Fear and experience Powerlessness, you have no power over the bananas to make them ripen faster. You might even feel Angry and Afraid about your lack of power and become Agressive towards the bananas.


          You think 'they are perfect bananas, they are perfectly ripe' and you feel Excitement (Fear and Joy) projecting into the future how wonderful these bananas will be in the morning.


          You notice that the bananas are overripe, you think 'how dare they still overripe bananas for anyone to be fooled by', being a victim of this store lack of care and mixing Anger and Fear so you can feel Hysterical about the grocery store.


          You see somebody buying bad bananas and you feel Shadenfraude (Anger and Gremlin Joy), 'Hahahaha... they will have a surprise when they get home!'


          You feel Excitement (Fear and Joy) when you see overripe bananas and you know you can come back later tonight, get them from the dumpster and dry them in your solare dehydrator.

          AND on, and on...


          This huge amount of Mixed Emotions is happening just while you are buying bananas. Move to the apple section. Go to a shoe store, and do the experiment all over again.


          Notice the amount of energy that you are using Mixing your Emotions.


          After giving voice to your Mixed Emotions in 5 differents shopping territory (bananas, apples, shoes, telephone, clothes), please enter the Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

            Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


            Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.06

            For this experiment, you need at least 6 person: one spaceholder, one client, and 4 role-players (one for each Emotions). It is a fantastic process to do in a workshop about Feelings, Emotions or Unmixing Emotions. You can also sponteanously deliver this process during a Possibility Team if one of the team members struggles with inner navigating and separating their Mixed Emotions.


            Ask for a volunteer for this process. You are the spaceholder. Or explain the process to a spaceholder, and volunteer as the first client. In a Team of 6 person, reserve 1-1h30 for each person to have a chance as client.


            Set up the room that the 4 Feelings role-players sit in a circle around the client, facing them. Then, ask the client to lower their Numbness Bar and let their Mixed Emotions come to the surface. Ask the client to say what Mixed Emotions they are feelings: depression, despair, hysteria, guilt, shame, jealousy, burnout, complete confusion, etc...

            Then, invite, the role-players to the Pure Feeling/Emotion that they are role-playing speak. The role-players have to also feel the feelings. It is possible that the feelings will start talking to each other. It reveals the dynamic between the Feelings/Emotions inside the client. Even if the client has 'only' Mixed Sadness and Fear, the role-players of Anger and Joy also have things to say and feel, those other Feelings/Emotions have not disappear.


            Count about 20 minutes per client. Reserve 3-4 minutes at the end of each role-play for the client to share about their experience of seeing the dynamic and information of their Feelings/Emotions being displayed.


            After completing holding space and being a client in this experiment, please enter the Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.

              Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


              Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.07

              This experiment is best done in a Possibility Team or in the context of an Emotional Healing Process.


              Shame is a Mixed Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear. Shame is one of the big ones. Shame has the power to knock you completely unconscious and start all sorts of automatic reactionary responses.


              In the Team, each person figures out what they are ashamed about (this does not take longer than 30 seconds), and write it down in your Beep! Book.

              Then divide in groups of 3, you start by separating your Shame by saying what is you Sadness parts of the Shame (about what, and because why), then your Fear part of the Shame and then your Anger part of the Shame.

              The Team's job is first to be a Bullshit Detector, and to get to precisely what your Sadness, Fear and Anger are about.

              The purpose is for you to get crystal clear that you Shame is only the Mix of those 3 Emotions. When you Unmix the 3 Emotions, you do not feel Shame anymore, what you feel is Anger, Sadness, and Fear.


              The Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear separated are each of them a gateway for an clear Emotional Healing Process. Write them down in at the back of your Beep! Book.


              After each person in the tryiad Unmix their Shame, go through one of the listed Emotional Healing Process.


              Hint: the Anger in Shame (as in Guilt) is the Anger that there is a rule, a standard that you have to fulfill to be 'ok' or 'good' or accepted. The Anger is completely appropriate and it meants to be used to make a boundaries with whomever you think is holding the standard (your Father, your brother, your Mother, a Teacher, ...). Use high intensity of Anger to take back your Center and your Authority about what you are and how you show up - and that it is truly no one's business!


              Make appointment during the week, to go through the - at least - 2 other Emotional Healing Processes (for the 2 other Emotions).


              After going through all 3 Emotional Healing Processes, please enter the Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.

                Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.08

                This experiment is best done in a Possibility Team or in the context of an Emotional Healing Process.


                Embarrassment is a Mixed Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear, with Fear being the proeminent Emotion. Embarrassment subtily takes over your face, your vocabulary, your thinking and your Being. While you are embarrassed, you completely submit yourself (by giving your center away) to the supposed 'authority figure' in the space, being adaptive to their context and their jugdment.


                In the Team, remember the last time you were Embarrassed and what you were Embrassed about (this does not take longer than 30 seconds), and write it down in your Beep! Book.


                Then divide in groups of 3, start by separating your Embarrassment by saying what is you Fear parts of the Embarrassment (about what, and because why), then your Sadness part of the Embarrassment and then your Anger part of the Embarrassment.

                The Team's job is first to be a Bullshit Detector, and to get to precisely what your Sadness, Fear and Anger are about.

                The purpose is for you to get crystal clear that you Embarrassment is only the Mix of those 3 Emotions. When you Unmix the 3 Emotions, you do not feel Embarrassment anymore, what you feel is Anger, Sadness, and Fear.


                The Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear separated are each of them a gateway for an clear Emotional Healing Process. Write them down in at the back of your Beep! Book. It is largely possible that you have a trigger for Embarrassment, such as the concept of Perfection, or an old decision that says 'I have to be quiet and cannot disturb anyone'. During the Unmixing part, look for the trigger for the Embarrassment.


                After each person in the tryiad Unmix their Embarrassment, go through one of the listed Emotional Healing Process.


                Make appointment during the week, to go through the - at least - 2 other Emotional Healing Processes (for the 2 other Emotions).


                Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.

                  Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                  Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.09

                  This experiment is best done in a Possibility Team or in the context of an Emotional Healing Process.


                  Jealousy is - also - a Mixed Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear, with Sadness being the proeminent Emotion. In addition to being a Mixed Emotion, Jealousy emerges out of the distinction context of Ordinary Love. The context of Ordinary Love is vast and has many tentacules of hold your relationship hostage of old thoughtware. For example, in the context of Ordinary Love you think you can have someone, by thinking for example that you can lose someone. You can only lose your partner if you think you have them in the first place. It is an incredible discovery to realize that your Mixed Emotions are strenghten by the context of Relating you choose to live in. There are many layers to discovering the true information behind your Jealousy.


                  In the Team, remember the last time you were Jealousy and what you were Jealousy about (this does not take longer than 30 seconds), and write it down in your Beep! Book.


                  Then divide in groups of 3, start by separating your Jealousy by saying what is you Fear parts of the Jealousy (about what, and because why), then your Sadness part of the Jealousy and then your Anger part of the Jealousy.

                  The Team's job is first to be a Bullshit Detector, and to get to precisely what your Sadness, Fear and Anger are about.

                  The purpose is for you to get crystal clear that you Jealousy is only the Mix of those 3 Emotions. When you Unmix the 3 Emotions, you do not feel Jealousy anymore, what you feel is Anger, Sadness, and Fear. Each of those Feelings/Emotions have information and energy for you.


                  The Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear separated are each of them a gateway for an clear Emotional Healing Process. Write them down in at the back of your Beep! Book.


                  After each person in the tryiad Unmix their Jealousy, go through one of the listed Emotional Healing Process.


                  Make appointment during the week, to go through the - at least - 2 other Emotional Healing Processes (for the 2 other Emotions).


                  Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.

                  Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                  Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.10

                  This experiment is best done in a Possibility Team or in the context of an Emotional Healing Process.


                  Guilt is - also - a Mixed Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear. In the Team, figure out what makes you Guilt and why (this does not take longer than 30 seconds), and write it down in your Beep! Book.


                  Then divide in groups of 3, start by separating your Guilt by saying what is you Fear parts of the Guilt (about what, and because why), then your Sadness part of the Guilt and then your Anger part of the Guilt.

                  The Team's job is first to be a Bullshit Detector, and to get to precisely what your Sadness, Fear and Anger are about.

                  The purpose is for you to get crystal clear that you Guilt is only the Mix of those 3 Emotions. When you Unmix the 3 Emotions, you do not feel Guilt anymore, what you feel is Anger, Sadness, and Fear. Each of those Feelings/Emotions have information and energy for you.


                  The Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear separated are each of them a gateway for an clear Emotional Healing Process. Write them down in at the back of your Beep! Book.


                  After each person in the tryiad Unmix their Guilt, go through one of the listed Emotional Healing Process.


                  Make appointment during the week, to go through the - at least - 2 other Emotional Healing Processes (for the 2 other Emotions).


                  Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.

                    Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                    Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.11

                    We highly recommend to do this experiment in a Possibility Team or 3Cell to the risk of being knocked unconscious by your Gremlin watching a TV Series.

                    Choose an episode (around 40 minutes) of any TV Series, and set it up ready to watch. Prepare the room so that everyones sits in chairs facing the TV or your computer (if you are streaming the series). In addition, make sure that you have the appropriate tool to stop the series anytime someone says "Stop!".


                    The instructions - given before you start the episode - are this: each and every time anyone of the time notice that one of the characters in the show feels Mixed or Pure Emotion, say "Stop!". Put the episode on pause. Say which character was feeling the Emotion, say which Mixed or Pure Emotions they were feeling, and what they are about.


                    You might start the notice that they only way Low Drama is carried on in TV series or movies is because characters are ongoingly lying to each other: "Are you okay?" "Yes." "Is anything going on?" "No, I'm fine" "What did they tell you?" "Oh, nothing." It is all lying.


                    Write down the lie, and write down the Mixed Emotions as motivation and full for the lies. After 45 minutes of this, or at the end of the episode, if it comes sooner, discuss how this may be occuring in some place in your life.


                    Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

                      Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                      Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.12

                      You can do this experiment alone, or with another person.


                      Go into a shopping mall, a café, a restaurant, a public place, and become a private investigator for Mixed Emotions: scan for and identify Mixed Emotions in the different people passing by. Keep your Beep! Book close, and write down what the Mixed Emotions are, and what they are about.


                      Note: since most people have their Numbness Bar set up high, you will have to lower your Numbness Bar to sense the suppressed Mixed Emotions behind the person's facade (their makeup, their laughter, their style, their glasses, their hair, their poses, their maneurisms).


                      If somebody seems interesting or a door seems to open for you to speak to one of the person you were scanning, go to them, holding your Beep! Book like Sherlock Holmes, and tell them: "Hi, I am a Mixed Emotions private investigator. I am practicing scanning for Mixed Emotions in others. Do you want me to tell you want I discovered?" If they say no, say 'Thank you' and walk away. If they say yes, then go ahead and ask them if you are accurate, tell them you need honest feedback for your work. If the opportunity presents itself, invite them to your next Possibility Team or EHP Dojo.


                      Enter Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

                        Unmix Emotions, Untangling Emotions, startover.xyz, Possibility Management


                        Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.13

                        There is so much to discover about Mixed Emotions and their relationship to your physical body. Each of your Feelings/Emotions belong is one resonant tissue in your physical body: bones for Anger, soft tissues for Sadness, nervous system for Fear and cell walls for Joy.


                        As ways to survive, especially to numb your feelings, you have put your Feelings and Emotions in the inappropriate tissues. For example, you might numb your Fear by flowing it into your muscles and soft organs. For a moment, it might seem that you are not feeling Fear anymore, however, what is happening is that you are mixing Fear with the Sadness in the soft tissues, resulting in Isolation, Despair and Hopelessness.


                        Many people mix Anger and Fear in their stomach or intestins, creating for themselves painful automimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto.


                        Contact a Feelings Practitioner. You can do this process of Unmixing your Emotions in your Physical body alone. However, it could be a great experience to call a Feelings Practitioner to join one of your Possibility Team meetings.


                        Layer by layer, direct your Feelings and Emotions in their appropriate resonant tissue, unmixing them in the process.


                        After going through this Feelings Practitioner session, please enter the Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.

                        1. NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code UNMIXEMO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!